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Trainee-Centred Courses

Training designed to meet individual trainees’ requirements.

The EMDR Works team will make sure that you gain the skills and understanding necessary to begin using the EMDR model right from the time you complete Part 1. Time will be given to discuss with you how to get started and how to apply the EMDR protocol to your particular work setting.

Interactive groups in a tutorial format.

The consolidation of learning in any training course does not just take place during the formal lectures, but most importantly, in the small discussion and practice groups. At EMDR Works, we give special time and attention to making sure that you integrate the information given to you into your practice.

Emphasis on building strong group cohesion.

Your group facilitator is highly trained in building the best possible environment for effective learning.  EMDR Works course members are usually drawn from a range of professional groups. This gives you ample opportunity to work with those from your own profession whilst also providing a rich opportunity to hear and understand different approaches to working with trauma from other mental health professionals.

Training within a supportive and safe learning environment.

Through discussion and experience, your trainer and facilitator will help you to understand that trauma unites all psychotherapy. There is a common experience and language of trauma which is international. This will help you to appreciate that there is a level at which we are all united, no matter what our professional background, race, religion or gender, and that we are working together towards a common goal.

High staff to trainee ratio

The EMDR Works team is highly trained and experienced to give you the best opportunity to learn. There will always be enough staff to make sure that you receive the attention that you require in order to maximise your learning, both in small groups and individually. The staff to trainee ratio is never greater than 1 to 12 and is often less.

Practical learning and discussion.

EMDR Works training is highly interactive with a balance between theory, practical work, demonstrations and video material.  Practical work takes place in small groups with the assistance of an experienced facilitator or trainer.  You will have the opportunity to practice the protocol by working on your own material, both as a client and a clinician.

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